Category Archives: Freewares

Create Mp3 files from Audio CD with Windows Mediaplayer

How to Create Mp3 files from Audio CD with Windows Mediaplayer?

Here are some easy steps:

01. Insert CD in to PC. Start Windows Mediaplayer.

02. CD may start to play. Click stop button.

03. You may see a button to view the Mediaplayer in LIBRARY Mode. Click there.

04. Now you will see the playlists and Contents of inserted CD. (Most times as “Unknown Album”…)

05. Click the “Rip Settings” Button. (Nr. 1)

06. Click for more options.

07. Select the settings under “Rip Music” (Nr. 2)

08. Select / create the folder to be saved. (Nr. 3)

09. Set the Format (Nr. 4) as mp3 ….

10. Set the Bit rate (Nr. 5) (128 Kbps is normal) and press “OK”

11. Press “Rip CD” (Nr 6). Your Audio CD will be saved as mp3 in some minutes.

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GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed piece of software for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring. It works on many operating systems, in many languages.

Download it

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How to Embed a Facebook Video to your site.

Facebook gives an embed code, but it comes together with some other codes…So I don’t like that style.
Her you can embed a video from facebook that easily.

1. Go to the Facebook video and find the video ID ( eg.: )

2. Then type the code below:

< iframe src=”” width=”650″ height=”480″ frameborder=”0″/ >

3. Copy the Video ID from Facebook Page & Paste instead of xxxxx

That is all..

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