To install “IRFANVIEW” in Linux / Mint

To install “IRFANVIEW” in your linux / Mint you should have installed “wine” on your system.

Get the file “mfc42.dll” from the folder “C:\windows\system32” of a running Windows system.

Copy this file to the analogous wine folder “/home/username/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32”. (If not showing use Cntl + h Key to show hidden files)

Download the setup file (e.g. iview400_setup.exe) for IrfanView ( This website is available in english and german). Click with the right mouse button on the downloaded file and choose the option “Open with ‘wine'”

When the installation is completed you can start Irfanview by using the following commandline:
wine “C:/Program Files/IrfanView4/i_view32.exe”

To create a starter for IrfanView on your Desktop choose the option “Create Launcher” in the context menue and use the commandline from above as the command:

Create Launcher

Name = Irfanview
command = wine “C:/Program Files/IrfanView4/i_view32.exe”
Comment = Start IrfanView

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