Category Archives: Office

Delete multi – hyperlinks from word document

Here is a simple tip to delete multi -hyperlinks from word document.

1. Copy & Paste the text to a new word document.

2. Select all by CTRL + A (or from menu > Select all).

3. if the text is selected click CTRL + SHIFT + F9 together.

Now you have a document without hyperlinks. You can paste it to any other word doc.

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Libre Office

LibreOffice is the power-packed free, libre and open source personal productivity suite for Windows, Macintosh and GNU/Linux, that gives you six feature-rich applications for all your document production and data processing needs: Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw, Math and Base. Support and documentation is free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers. You, too, can get involved!

Libre Office

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Foxit Reader

Foxit Foxit Reader

(5.07MB (Freeware)

Foxit Reader is a free PDF document viewer, with incredible small size, breezing-fast launch speed and rich feature set. Its core function is compatible with PDF Standard 1.7. * Incredibly small: The download size of Foxit Reader is just a fraction of Acrobat Reader 20 M size. * Breezing-fast: When you run Foxit Reader, it launches instantly without any delay. You are not forced to view an annoying splash window displaying company logo, author names, etc. * Annotation tool: Have you ever wished to annotate (or comment on) a PDF document when you are reading it? Foxit Reader allows you to draw graphics, highlight text, type text and make notes on a PDF document and then print out or save the annotated document. * Text converter: You may convert the whole PDF document into a simple text file. * High security and privacy: Foxit Reader highly respects the security and privacy of users and will never connect to the Internet without users’ permission. While other PDF readers often silently connect to the Internet in the background. Foxit PDF Reader does not contain any spyware.

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