Category Archives: Mix

ONAM , Kerala , Kalathil thomas

Airtel Wallet- Timestamp issue

Are you living out of India?
Do you have issues with Airtel Wallet- Timestamp issue, during recharging?
I had the same issue and couldn’t recharge with the money in my Airtel Wallet, since I was in another Time Zone (Europe).
After many friendly Mails with Airtel (the Helpdesk tried to reply and solve the issue sincerely)
I got the Idea to change the time on my Smartphone to IST.
I tried it and made a try with the wallet. And it was successful.

You can try this TIP, if you too face that issue.

1. Go to Time & Date setting on your Smartphone.
2. Untick, if you are on “Automatic Time Mode”.
3. Change the time manually to Indian Time.
4. Go to Airtel App and do the desired recharge. You will (must) get SMS notification, that it was done.

All the best wishes!

815 total views, 1 views today

Delete multi – hyperlinks from word document

Here is a simple tip to delete multi -hyperlinks from word document.

1. Copy & Paste the text to a new word document.

2. Select all by CTRL + A (or from menu > Select all).

3. if the text is selected click CTRL + SHIFT + F9 together.

Now you have a document without hyperlinks. You can paste it to any other word doc.

Enjoy the Site…

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Happy Onam
Happy Onam


This blog is written during my first “internet-werkstatt” in

St. Georgen, Frankfurt,

am 11.09.2008.

This is only a beginning!

Just wait and see it!

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