Boot time is longer in 18.3? Check your Boot IDs

After installing 18.3 it was taking “too much time to boot”. Earlier it was so quicker..
My issue came from Boot ID and its was following:
The ID in “sudo gedit /etc/fstab” was different than in “blkid”.
I have given the right ID and the boot time till “Login” screen is 1min04 Secs!
Really quick, as earlier…

Here is a way to fix it:
– open Terminal and type “blkid” to find the real IDs of your Partitions.
– Then type “sudo gedit /etc/fstab” in terminal and check, if the IDs are same.
– If not give the right ID from “blkid” result in the “sudo gedit /etc/fstab” result and save it.

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