All posts by kalathil thomas

Marian Songs

Marian Songs Collections:

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BookletImposer is a Python module to achieve some basic imposition on PDF documents, especially designed to work on booklets.
With this linux application, one can make brochures from pdf files.

To install it:
open software manager > type BookletImposer install.

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xnview – image editor and organizer

xnviewXnView is an efficient multimedia viewer, browser and converter.
Really simple to use! Support of more than 500 image formats.
No Adware, No Spyware.

With XnView you can browse, organize, and view your images in numerous ways:

Thumbnail View, FullScreen View, FilmStrip View, SlideShow with FX, Images Compare, etc…
Edit, Resize, Rotate, Crop AND make SlideShows, Web Pages etc…


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