All posts by kalathil thomas

Add google calendar in your thunderbird

You can add and Sync your Google Calendar in the Thunderbird Mail programme.


1. Install the Calendar add-on “Lightning”

2. Go to google calendar settings > If you have a shared calendar, then get the Public Address Otherwise get the private address

3. Right click on the calendar section in your thunderbird
(left side below to month view. Normally you will see “Home” calendar there)

4. Edit the calender/ add a new calendar

5. Fill the details, give the url and finish.


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Recording issues for Audacity in Linux: My Solution

I had some recording issues with Audacity in Linux (Mint) recently.
After much searches I got a solution, which I share here.
Let me tell you, this is how I Solved. You may have to do some more experiments with the settings.

Step 1. Open Audacity > Change the default “PULSE” to the device ends with the (hw:0,0) which is seen on the right side of the “Mic” Icon.

Step 2. Change the default setting also right to the “Speaker” icon.

Try the recording.

I am happy with it. Hope you too.
All the best and happy recording/ Editing with Audacity.


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Fix “Cannot Access Gmail” if you are travelling abroad

If you are traveling abroad, you may face some troubles in logging in to your Gmail account.
You will be asked to give your Phone number Or Security Question and Answer.
This is a step to secure your account. Google also want to make it sure, that the user is not a hacker or somebody else.
How to solve it:

1. If you are using two-step verification, then turn that off before going abroad.

2. If you are not sure how to do that, go to

and follow:

Step 1


Step 1


or set your recovery mail ID, phone number and security question and answer.


and use it once it is asked…

883 total views, 2 views today

Timeshift – System Backup and Restore for LINUX

TimeShift for Linux is an application that provides functionality similar to the System Restore feature in Windows and the Time Machine tool in Mac OS. TimeShift protects your system by taking incremental snapshots of the file system at regular intervals. These snapshots can be restored at a later date to undo all changes to the system.


Steps of Installation:

Open Terminal
Run the following commands:

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install timeshift

If you want to uninstall

Run the following command in a terminal window:
sudo apt-get remove timeshift


sudo timeshift-uninstall

Visit the Website

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