All posts by kalathil thomas

Automount Partitions in Linux with “FSTAB”

Normally, the Partitions in Linux will not mount automatically.
We can solve it with “FSTAB”.

1. type sudo blkid in terminal

2. copy the UUID of the partition to automount and note the LABEL

3. type sudo nano /etc/fstab or sudo gedit /etc/fstab in terminal

4. type UUID=”UUID NUMBER*” (TAB**) “LABEL” (in my case, /media/D) (TAB) EXTENSION (in my case ntfs) (TAB) defaults (TAB) 0 (TAB) 0

e.g.: UUID=”656767868898797″ /media/D ntfs defaults 0 0

* Paste the UUID Number, you copied from “blkid”

** after each entry press TAB button

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Holy Mass Songs-Selections-08

Holy Mass Songs-Selections-08

2,045 total views, no views today

Holy Mass Songs-Selections-07

Holy Mass Songs-Selections-07

2,123 total views, no views today

Holy Mass Songs-Selections-06

Holy Mass Songs-Selections-06

2,147 total views, no views today

Holy Mass Songs-Selections-05

Holy Mass Songs-Selections-05

1,997 total views, no views today

Malayalam Funeral Songs – Latin Rite – Part 02

Malayalam Funeral Songs – Latin Rite – Part 02 – Liturgical Songs for Mass:

2,933 total views, no views today

Malayalam Funeral Songs – Latin Rite

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to download online videos to PC.

Which websites does KeepVid support?

Dailymotion, 4shared, 5min, 9you,, Aniboom,, Break,, Clipser,, CollegeHumor, Cracked, Current,,, eHow, eBaumsWorld, Ensonhaber, Facebook, Flickr, Flukiest, FunnyJunk, FunnyOrDie,, Metacafe, MySpace, Ning, Photobucket, RuTube, SoundCloud, Stagevu, TED, Tudou, TwitVid, VBOX7, videobb,, Veoh, Vimeo,

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